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Easter break 2024: Provided 528 meals to 101 children and young people.

Easter break 2024: Provided 528 meals to 101 children and young people.

15th April 2024

During the Easter break, we provided 528 meals to 101 children and young people.

We are delighted to share some of our key moments from our recent two-week Easter programme, which offered a wealth of engaging and educational experiences for the children and young people. The activities were designed to be both fun and informative, ensuring a memorable journey of discovery for all.

Our youngest members enjoying a nutritious breakfast, followed by series of activities such as art and craft, basic cooking and STEM. Dress-up karaoke emerged as a highlight, with the children eagerly selecting costumes and performing their favourite songs. The excitement continued with an interactive session by Zoolabs, which simulated an African safari adventure, introducing the 28 children to extraordinary wildlife. They encountered an array of creatures, including a giant hissing cockroach, an African Giant snail, a pink-legged tarantula, a snake, and some friendly fluffy gerbils helping them conquer fears, and fostering a sense of wonder about the natural world.

Our lunch club sessions were full of fun and excitement! The members had the opportunity to choose from different stations every day and do what they love. Some of the fun things we did were, jewellery making, cupcake decorating, clay pinch pots, STEM building with Lego and Hama beads, Easter themed art and crafts, playing air hockey, and learning how to play pool. 30 young explorers encountered the mysteries of the deep at our local Sealife centre, this trip not only provided fun but also an invaluable educational experience, sparking curiosity and respect for our planet's aquatic ecosystems.

Each child and young person attending the programme received an Easter egg, a gesture of kindness that extended to their siblings as well, thanks to the generosity of donors from at Chivas, Sealife Centre and Food for thought.

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